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November Mask Restock Info

Hey, all! I have some important announcements for the next Persona mask restock - please read!

The next restock will be in November - once I sell out of these Persona masks entirely I will NOT be making more Persona masks.

I had originally planned on restocking them before Halloween for anyone that wanted to use them for cosplay but after crunching to get out all the Ryuji mask preorders as soon as possible I realized how much these masks have been burning me out from sewing. I really REALLY miss sewing for myself and I had plans to finish the base dress for my Emperor Edelgard cosplay by Halloween. If I were to try and get all these masks out by Halloween I’d have no time to sew Edelgard for myself so I decided that the next restock won’t be until November - dates are TBD!

Once I sell out of Persona masks I will NOT be making more. That being said - I still have a bunch of fabric I got for other fandom masks so keep an eye out for Haikyuu!!, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, and FFXIV masks in the future!

I will be increasing the price of each mask for the next restock for the following reasons.

  • They take up A LOT of my free time. I still work full time on weekdays. I only have so much time to work on them after work, and I'd rather not sacrifice my weekends to work on them (which I have been doing).

  • All masks are now lined with 100% cotton (instead of polycotton), which is more expensive but gentler on the skin.

  •  HTV - HTV isn’t cheap and masks with HTV take significantly longer to make than those without it!


  • Persona 3 SEES Masks - $35

    • These masks take the longest to make! I cut out long strips of red fabric, iron the edges, top stitch the ‘bands’ to the black fabric, then have my Cricut cut out the SEES text on HTV, weed the HTV, then iron them on to the red bands - and that’s just one HALF of the mask. The glow in the dark HTV is also more expensive than normal HTV and also take much longer to weed out than the other HTV designs.

  • Persona 4 Yasogami High Mask - $25

    • The grey houndstooth cotton I got for the first run of these were bought at a local fabric store. I didn’t expect these masks to sell as well as they did and only got around 2 yards. The store hasn’t restocked it since and it’s been surprisingly difficult to find this design on cotton. I did luck out on finding some online for the next restock but it cost literally twice as much per yard.

  • Persona 5 Shujin High Masks - $25

  • Persona 5 Custom Masks *NEW* - $30

    • The masks are made with custom printed fabric from Spoonflower and will be customizable on checkout! More details on these masks on a later date.

The only masks that WON'T have price changes are the Akechi Argyle and leftover Ryuji masks - both will stay $20. 

I will also be changing shipping methods so shipping in the US will be slightly cheaper. As for international shipping - I was already slightly undercharging so international shipping fees will not be changing.



I will be adding a required acknowledgment agreement to each listing on Etsy that acknowledges that you know that each mask measures 9.5" x 5.5" and you have measured your face to make sure it will fit you before purchasing. I know this is kind of obnoxious, but I list these measurements on each listing, and it has been disheartening to get bombed with bad reviews since people buy them and find that they don't fit them. 

Thank you all SO MUCH for your patience and support!

As I mentioned earlier - I did NOT expect these masks to sell as well as they have been - my initial stock of the P4 masks was just 10 masks since I thought that’s how many people would want them! Your support means a lot to me so thank you again!

As of last Friday, October 9th, I have sent out all Ryuji mask preorders, custom mask orders, and all other Persona mask orders that have been pending. If your mask hasn’t arrived by the end of October or if have you any questions about a previous order or the next restock, feel free to email me at gail[@]notgodzilla.com!

Gail Godinez